Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Mini Album Challenge

Christmas Mini Album Challenge!
Thursday Dec. 20th @ 7 pm
Registration Deadline: Wednesday Dec. 19th
Registration fee: $10

I know it's really close to Christmas, but I thought I'd throw in a quick, simple Christmas Mini Album Challenge.  This mini album shouldn't take any longer than an hour to complete.  Once completed you will be given a list of 3 Christmas Challenges (similar to a picture scavenger hunt)!  If you complete these 3 challenges by January 7th and show me the end results, you win a prize (a surprise Stampin' Up! product to get the new year started)!  I hope some of you will be able to make it out for this quick, fun mini album that will be a blast to complete with family and friends! 

Happy Monday!
- Jes 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lets Get Started!

Christmas Open House 
Sunday December 16th from 2 - 5pm
Please RSVP by Dec. 14th 

Okay, so you've had a sneak peak of my new place, now come check it out at the Christmas Open House!  Come join us for an afternoon of door prizes, Christmas goodies and Stamping!  Come see examples of upcoming classes and clubs from not only me but another demonstrator on the Coast... my mom!  It should be a fun afternoon!

Left over items (stocking stuffers!) will also be available for sale.  These are all the items before the craft fair, so not everything pictured is available.  Prices range from .25 cents to $3. 

Pick up one of these cute ornaments for $3! 

Visit my facebook page  and let me know what kind of class or club you'd like to see in the new year!  Then come sign up on Sunday! I hope you see you all on the 16th!

- Jes 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

All Moved In! ... Almost

I am all Moved in!  ... Almost!  Yes, it has taken a while.  But I have made my move from the New Westminster area to the Sunshine Coast.  The beautiful community I grew up in and I am so excited to be back!  

It has taken me a little (okay... a lot!)  longer than I had anticipated to get settled in and get my Stampin' Up! classes and such started up on the Coast.  However, I am now ready!  So here we go!

Actually... before that, I thought I'd share a few pictures of my beautiful new home for those of you who have never been to the Coast!

When you walk to the bottom of our street, this is the beautiful beach you find!  I have done a lot of thinking and brainstorming at the little dock down here! 

This is just one of the amazing views on my 7 minute drive to my parents house.  It has been so nice to be close to family and friends. I am overwhelmed with all the encouragement and support I've had since being here!

Thank you for being patient as I figure things out with not only the move, but being a new demonstrator.  If there's one thing I've learned through this whole process its that I'm really bad at blogging!  But if you want to keep in touch, please check out my facebook page or follow me on instagram!  And of course I will continue to update my blog!

- Jes

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

August Card Club

Although we did August Card Club at the beginning of September, it was still a lot of fun!  Were you able to guess what punch we'd be using?!  If you guess the Owl Punch you're right! Here are a few of the punch cards we put together that evening.

The Owl punch used in its original form is so cute!  We had a lot of fun dressing these little guys up.  However the Owl punch is also very versatile!  Recognize these shapes?!

A sentiment will be added to this card... at some point.
Here we used the belly of the owl to create little dresses, we also made some overalls.  A cute way to welcome a new little one into the world.  The ladies got creative at club and also made tulips, penguins and aliens with the owl punch!  It was a fun creative night!  Want to join in the fun?  Contact me at

Thanks for stopping by!
- Jes

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good Bye Summer!

This week we wrapped up the Summer Mini Album Challenge!  For those of you who don't know, this was a mini album class that also challenged participants to take a picture every day for the duration of their summer!  It turned out to be a great success!  We had 3 classes to complete the mini albums, each one is so unique and fun!

Here are a few pictures of my (almost) completed mini album.  This album easily holds over 50 pictures!  I chose to do my pictures 'wallet' size, however, many of the participants chose to use 4x6 photos. 

My (almost) finished mini album

Want to see more pictures?! Check out my facebook page (here)!   

August Card Club it tomorrow evening.  I am looking forward to a very fun, creative night!  Have you guessed what punch we'll be using for tomorrows class?  Please contact me at with any questions or if you'd like to join a club!  

Sunshine Coast:  I am very excited to announce I will be starting some Clubs and Workshops on the Coast toward the middle or end of October!  Please keep an eye out for these classes, workshops, clubs and other events!  Have an event or club you'd like to see happen?  Please contact me with ideas or questions!

- Jes

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's been a while

Well Hello There!

It sure has been a while since my last post, my apologies!  I hope you've all had a great summer!  Mine sure has been eventful! I will be posting more pictures and telling you more about convention in the weeks (and possibly months haha) to come!  I will also share some pictures of the projects I've been working on this summer when I get them completed and actually snap some pictures of them!

Big News! I'm moving!!  Unfortunately it will be to the Sunshine Coast, so if you're in that area keep an eye out for upcoming workshops, clubs and events on the Sunshine Coast!  For those of you in the New West area, don't worry!  Plans are in place and I will let you know when I've got a set plan.

But I will be here for September so here are the September Events: 

90 Days of Summer Wrap Up: September 11th 6-8
. Come put the finishing touches on your albums!

Open House - End of Summer Party: September 11th 8-10
. Come see what everyone has been up to since we got started! This is the time and place to win some fun prizes for completing the 90 Days of Summer Challenge!! Didn't do the challenge?! Come and win some prizes just for showing up :) (Please RSVP by September 8th)

August Card Club: September 14th 7-10. This month we will be working with punches and I'm so excited! 

September Card Club:
September 25th 7-10. A sneak peak will be on my blog later this month!

August Car Club Sneak Peak! This is a punch class, can you guess what punch we will be using?!

 I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!  Please contact me at with any questions or to RSVP to the open house. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Convention Day 1 and 2

Good Morning!

I am so excited to tell you a little bit more about convention!  It is exciting going back every week and thinking about all of the amazing opportunities I had and how much fun it was!  Unfortunately I did not have my own camera, so I am waiting for pictures from my uplines :)  Thankfully they were patient as every few minutes they would hear "ooh take a pictures of this," "wow, can you please take a picture of that, and this one, oh oh and this!" 

However, I can tell you (and show you) a little bit from our first couple of days!

Day 1!  We started off with a tour of Sweets Candy Factory.  Amazing!  It smelled so good and there were chocolate pipes running through the building!  It was very cool, it felt a little bit like Willy Wonkas but the ompa loopmas were hiding.  Pictures to come! After this I was very excited to do some shopping as I've always heard shopping in the states is much better than here.  However, my shopping turned out to be a big bummer... nothing fit!  I have never had this problem before!  Even the XS was too big!

Day 2:  The kind of first day of Convention!  We had a chance to visit momento mall and pick up 'the bag'  both very exciting! 

Just got my basket to go into Momento Mall!  This is me (trying) to wait patiently for Kristine to get her basket before heading in!

Momento Mall was so busy, but worth the wait! Can you tell I'm excited?!

'The Bag' with several of the other free products we gathered throughout the week!  

This is my bag tag from my Up (up up) line, Kristine.  Smart thinking since all of our bags are the same! 

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog!  Enjoy your week and don't forget to come back next Tuesday so see more pictures from convention and what else I've been up to over the summer!

- Jes 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Convention 2012!

Hello Everyone!

I have to be completely honest...  I have no idea where to begin!  Stampin' Up! convention 2012 was amazing!  As a first timer I was welcomed and encouraged by thousands of people!

I guess I will start with the convention theme this year "I am..."  If you have not seen the music video the amazing Stampin' Up! staff made for convention check it out on my facebook page (click here).  They did such a great job! We listened to it constantly!  It has been stuck in my head ever since, so I listen to it at home to remind me of the amazing experience (not that I need any reminders!).   

When I got to convention the first things that came to my mind were:
I am...
 - Excited!
 - Nervous
        - A first timer 
 As the week went on and I met many new people, attended some amazing classes and spent time with Allison, Kim and Kristine (my up upline, up up upline and up up up up up upline!), I started to feel a little differently about what I was.  I finished my week off like this:
I am...
 - Inspired
 - Encouraged 
 - Determined 
It also made me think about the positive qualities I believe I had before even attending convention:
I am...
 - Kind 
 - Patient
 - Creative 

Over the next couple of weeks I will be sharing my Convention experience with you, along with many pictures!  I encourage you to think about the sentence "I am..." and complete it for yourself. Then share it with me on my facebook page.  I'd love to hear what you have to say!

Check back again soon (next Tuesday at the latest!) for more of my convention experience and lots of great pictures! 

Thanks for stopping by!  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Card Club and Convention!


It has been a while since I last updated you but there are a few exciting things happening for me!  One of which is Stampin' Up! Convention happening next week!  I will be going to Salt Lake City and am very excited!  I cannot wait to meet other Stampin' Up! demonstrators, learn new techniques, and learn to run a better business!  I will update you on all the happenings when I get home as I'm sure I will have lots to share!

Card Club:  Will be starting on July 30th.  If you are interested in participating or learning more about the benefits of the card club please contact me at  Above are a few examples of our first projects! I am loving the new 'In Colors' as well as the "Up Up and Away' stamp set!  So many different things to do with this set! Come check out the Card Club to see other creative ways to use this set.

90 Days of Summer Mini Album Challenge:  Thank you to everyone who came out for such a fun night! Don't forget to keep track of pictures and journal entries for your mini albums to win some awesome prizes!  Our next class date is July 23rd, lease bring your paper and adhesive. I look forward to spending another evening stamping with you!

I hope you have been able to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!  I sure have!  Enjoy the Sunshine and the rest of your week!

- Jes

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

90 Days of Summer - Mini Album Challenge!

90 Days of Summer Mini Album Challenge!

Document all 90 Days of your summer through pictures and journal entries with this cute mini album.  This will be a two part class, we will be putting the mini albums together at the beginning of summer then getting together again at the end of summer to add a few finishing touches and see who completed the challenge! Great prizes for those who are able to document all 90 Days!

June 25th 6:30 - 9:30 
second part will be at the end of September, exact date to be decided

Registration fee: $30
Registration fee includes both sessions, your own snail adhesive and a pack of 81/2 x 11 card stock in the new 2012 - 2014 In Colors!

Registration Deadline: June 15th 

Class will be held at my place in New Westminster please contact me for directions.

To register or for any questions please contact me at 

Sorry about the picture - It's not the best.  I took a thousand pictures of the mini album and this is what I got... I think I need a little more photography practice!  The lighting isn't the best either which sure doesn't do the new Stampin' Up In Colors justice!  I was so excited to see them all and fell in love right away!  Stampin' Up has so many exciting new items in the new catalog, I can't wait for you to see!  Hope you've been able to enjoy some of the Sunshine this week as it seems as though the rain is backk!!  But then again - "Whoever said Sunshine brought Happiness has never Danced in the Rain!"

- Jes     

Friday, June 1, 2012

What happened to May?!

Sorry I have been MIA for the last couple of weeks (slash almost all of May!), but now that I have a little down time I thought I'd share what I've been up to!

My best friends are expecting their first child!  I am so excited for them and I get the honor of hosting the baby shower!  First things first - Invitations! (With matching envelopes of course!)

Using Stampin' Up's 'Occasions Alphabet' and 'Easy Events' stamp sets I created this personalized baby shower invitation.  These two stamp sets are amazing for literally any occasion!  'Occasions Alphabet' covers any kind of card I could ever think of! 

I have always wanted to try making a diaper cake.  So what better time to do it than now?!  Here is what I came up with!

I had created some cute paper flowers and such to go around the diaper cake as well, however, I ran out of space with all the other cute items I found!  I can't wait to try making another one with less product and more paper!!  Please let me know what you think of my invitations and diaper cake!

'94 Days of Summer' Mini Album Challenge is happening June 18th!  Details and Pictures coming soon!  Please contact me with any questions, suggestions, to register or to purchase Stampin' Ups amazing products at the preferred price!

Happy June!  Hope to see you all soon!

- Jes

Friday, May 11, 2012

Card Club!

Card Club!

Everyone spends money and time finding the perfect card to say Thank You, Happy Birthday or maybe Congratulations.  Why not spend that money purchasing amazing products from Stampin, Up! to create your own beautiful personalized cards that say exactly what you want!  Learn new techniques, take home three to five new cards every month and spend a few hours with an amazing group of women! 

Every month a different woman will have a chance to be the hostess, which means hostess benefits!  A minimum of $35 a month in free product when it's your turn!  Therefore the Card Club will run for the same number of months as there are women (example: 6 women - 6 months). Get a friend to register with you and you will be entered to win a set of movie tickets!  All this fun will begin at the end of May, so talk to your friends, family, and coworkers and get registered as soon as possible!  

Only 10 spaces available.  Please email me at to register. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Love Elebration! ...and every other stamp!

I can't believe this cute little guy is retiring!  I love Elebration, it is such a fun stamp that is so easy to create with! It will be sad to see him go. Elebration is a single stamp but it's all you need to make a great birthday card!  I used the Stampin' Up blender pen to give him a little color and quick detail. Any retiring stamps that you love? Get them before their gone (May 31st)!  View all retiring stamps HERE and contact me to make your order (  

Hope you're having a great weekend and enjoying the sunshine!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I want to start by thanking everyone who came out to the GIVE card class!  We had a great time and everyone went home with beautiful cards.  The best part is, we were able to donate $60 to the GIVE team just by having a good time creating with some fun products from Stampin Up! 

Please check out the Stampin' Up website for retiring products and accessories!  Stamps will be available until May 31st, but all other accessories are first come first serve!  Don't forget, if you'd like the preferred price please contact me ( to make your order!  I can't believe how many stamps and accessories are retiring!  Don't forget to check them out before their gone!

Speaking of retiring products, 'From the Kitchen of' is one of my favorite stamp sets (among many) that are retiring!  Please keep your eye out for an upcoming class using this great set!  There are so many things you can do with this set including many different gift ideas!  Watch for pictures and class details in the next couple of weeks!

- Jes

Friday, April 27, 2012

GIVE Card Class

 GIVE Card Class
Monday April 30th 7 - 9pm
Registration fee: $20
20% of all Proceeds donated to GIVE

My twin sister, Sarah, will be traveling to the Kanywegi area of Africa this coming May to help increase awareness of HIV and Aids within the area.  She is participating as part of the education team that will be educating both teachers and children in hopes to fight this epidemic. The education team will be starting a Girls Group this year as well as continuing with the much loved soccer tournaments.  This is a trip I would love to make, however, I am a bit of a home body and would never have the guts to actually travel to Africa for 3 months!  However, I am excited for Sarah and am supporting both her and the GIVE team whatever way I can.  That being said, 20% of proceeds will be donated to the GIVE team.  This money will go towards supplies needed for the Girls Group, soccer tournaments and other teaching supplies.  For more information please visit  GIVE

I am very excited to have everyone over for my first card class where we will be focusing on 2 different blending techniques!  You will learn to use the Stampin' Up Blender Pen as well as the Sponge Daubers in these 3 fun, colorful cards!

Getting Started

Welcome to my Craft Closet!  A small space that will be filled with inspiration and creativity.  Please join me in my new adventure as an independent Stampin' Up demonstrator!  I will be posting pictures of upcoming classes, clubs and other events as well as some person projects.  If you are in the New Westminster area and are interested in attending or hosting your own event, I'd love to hear from you!  If you are not seeing a class or club of interest please feel free to leave a comment or contact me with other suggestions or ideas!  I look forward to getting to know you and creating many projects (and memories) with the many amazing Stampin' Up products!

- jes