Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Creativity Hop

I was nominated last week for the Creativity Blog Hop by my Cousin, Upline and Artisan Allison Okamitsu.  I definitely needed a kick in the butt to get back on track, so I said yes!  Unfortunately I'm still a day late, but it wasn't my fault!  I swear.  Anyways, lets get started!  

What am I working on now?
Currently I'm a bit all over the place. Having recently moved I am very excited to finally have a whole room to craft in. So I am getting that organized and set up. This has become a difficult task as I am also working on Christmas class examples and of course some personal projects. Because I'm still crafting when things are still in boxes it looks as though a tornado has torn through my room. If I have something in mind for a project I don't stop until I find it. Which means although my boxes aren't really unpacked yet... they are.

How does my work differ from others in my genre?
I like simple.  My work often has lots of detail but not too many embellishments.  I usually believe less is more.  But then again if I'm in the right mood my creativity will take over and go a little crazy with lots of colour, details and embellishments.

Why do I create what I do?
Sometimes its for my Stampin' Up business, other times its for personal reasons but its usually just because I love it.  I am a pretty quite person for the most part but my personality and feelings really come out in my art.  It's a great way to express myself.

How does my creative process work?
I get inspired by something or just have a need to create so will look for inspiration.  Once I've got that I just sit down and do it.  For example, todays card was inspired by a few amazing men in my life.  I have been so thankful for each of them and want them to have a ridiculously amazing day, everyday!  But lets face it, I would never be able to actually tell them that as I'm quite shy, so instead I just take that inspiration and create stuff!

Next I'd like to nominate my sideline and fellow Stampin' Up demonstrator   You can visit her blog next Monday, October 27th to learn more about what she's up to and her creative process!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Project Life by Stampin' Up!

I am so excited that Stampin' Up! has partnered with Project life!  These two together make memory keeping a breeze!

Project Life Club 
September 2014 
Registration fee: Purchase of a project life collection
Drop in fee: $10 or a $15 order 
Contact me today to register!

You can make it even easier by signing up for Project Life Club!  This club is drop in and will run once or twice a month.  To attend all you have to do is purchase a project life collection. After your purchase your first club is free, from then on all drop in fees will be $10 or a $15 order.  

Club attendees will get a mini class each meeting with ideas and inspirations on how to use the current collection.  Theres always an opportunity to meet new people, learn new things and have fun! Not only that, you get to leave behind the mess!  

Hope to see you all there! 


P.S.  Sorry about not posting on Tuesday and Thursday this week, apparently I haven't quite figured out the whole automatic scheduled posting thing! I will look into it again this weekend and try to figure out what I did wrong!  If not, please be patient as I am away next week!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

You Are My Sunshine!

Hope you have all had some time to be out enjoying the beautiful weather! I have definitely been enjoying the beach and all the sunshine!  The beautiful day inspired me to create this simple card for someone who brightens my life on days that the sun just doesn't cut it!  

To create this simple but cute card I used two stamp sets; 'Feel Goods' and 'Gorgeous Grunge.'  I love both sets and have been using them non stop!  The cloud in the back was hand carved using the 'undefined' kit, another favourite!  The sun was created using a circle punch and a small heart punch, then detailed with 'gorgeous grunge' and rhinestones.  

Hope you have some time to enjoy the sunshine, if not maybe you can see if theres something you can do to brighten someone else's day!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Paper Pumpkin Picnic

Have you heard of paper pumpkin?!  It is the easiest way to escape!  Delivered right to your door once a month, its easy, versatile and can be done almost anywhere!  I recently took my paper pumpkin to the beach.  Perfect way to spend my afternoon, doing two of my favourite things, stamping and soaking up the sun!

Come see what I mean on August 24th!

Paper Pumpkin Picnic 
August 24th 2014
Includes: Lunch (hot dog, chips and a drink) and a mini paper pumpkin experience (supplies to make a card, tag and gift box) 

Space is limited and filling up fast so please contact me to register today!  

- Jes 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Inspire. Create. Share.

Convention 2014 

Convention is always full of ideas!  I come home with so many great new ideas and projects!  It is just one of the great ways Stampin' Up supports its demonstrators!  Here are two of the 'Make and Takes' we did this year.

There are boards and walls full of examples done with current products.  We also get some time for hands on stamping through make and takes and mini classes.  But all the fun ends eventually and we have to come home and put what we learned to use!  So keep an eye out for upcoming mini classes on the two beautiful projects above!  

Our last picture in Salt Lake City.  Trying to figure out what route to take home!

Even though we were short on time we decided to make the best of what we had.  We headed down a dirt road in search of the City of Rocks.  It was beautiful and definitely worth the dirt road!  

Hope you have been enjoying your summer!  


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Inspire. Create. Share.

Convention 2014

Convention is always amazing, but this year was a little extra special! 

This is my cousin Allison.  I have always looked up to her but even more so since she started at Stampin' Up!  I use to think it was so cool that she could work somewhere where she could stamp and craft all day long!  It wasn't until a couple years ago that I realized I could do it too! With her encouragement and inspiration I am now a Stampin' Up demonstrator myself and loving every minute!

This year I was extremely proud to be able to celebrate with her as she was chosen to be one of the 16 demonstrators chosen for the Artisan Team!!  Allison's work ethic is inspiring as I've watched her work hard to get to where she's at.  Allison is extremely talented and I am so excited to see what is to come! Yet, she still makes time to continue encouraging me and reminding me that if I want something, I just have to go get it!   

And then of course we got to celebrate at the After Party!  Stampin' Up knows how to throw a party!

There was good food and of course cute decorations!  There was even a country band with an electronic bull and line dancing!  It was a good way to end such an exciting day.  

Do you want to be part of the fun?  Join my team today!  Contact me at daveyjes@hotamil.com if you are interested in the Stampin' Up! experience and we can talk about the exciting opportunity!  


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Inspire. Create. Share.

Convention 2014

Salt Lake City always seems so welcoming to get bombarded by a bunch of stampers!

This was our welcome at the hotel we stayed at.  It's fun to see all the different people walking around, you always know who is from Stampin' Up! 

Our first morning I went for breakfast with some of my upline/ team and their friends.  Its so great to meet so many different people who all have the same passion!  We went to Rubys Diner, it was delicious!

Getting our bag is always exciting!!  Stampin' Up fills them with goodies to prepare us for our classes and make and takes!  Speaking of classes and make and takes... 

This is a class I got to attend and possibly a class I might offer so stay posted! 

And of course general sessions are always exciting! 

One thing I love about Stampin' Up! is that they care about others!  This is the service project I got to participate in this year.  I am blessed to work for such a caring company! 

If you'd like to see some of my goodies from Convention please come to my OPEN HOUSE Monday July 28th from 7-9 pm.  Please RSVP by Friday July 25th. I look forward to seeing you there! 


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Inspire. Create. Share.

Convention 2014 

Ah, here I am back at Convention.  So inspired by those around me!  And so blessed to be part of such an amazing company!

My mum and I left Sechelt Sunday morning and got to Salt Lake City late Tuesday.  Although it was a quick trip, we were still able to see some beautiful places.

We left Sechelt at 5:30am!  This was the sunrise that sent us off!

We saw so many beautiful places as we drove through the North Cascades.  

Mum and I did a self guided tour around the Malad Gorge.  It's a beautiful place!  The Gorge was amazing and the history around it was really neat to learn about!  

Stay tuned for more about Convention 2014 and some exciting new classes and clubs planned for the upcoming month.  

OPEN HOUSE:  July 28th 7-9 pm  Please RSVP by Friday July 25th.  Check out my goodies from Convention, sign up for classes, clubs and other events, do a make and take and of course there will be tea and goodies!  Hope to see you all there! 
